Join or Renew Membership with OMA Today

2024 OMA Membership Renewal Now Open!

You can renew your membership by completing the PDF membership form. Please email completed forms to Heather Larson at If you wish to mail in your membership form, please mail to: OMA, 1201 Court Street NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301. Please include a check and make it payable to OMA.

OMA membership provides you with a rich source of information and best practices. Some of the benefits of membership include:

  • OMA Spring Workshop. Held in conjunction with the League of Oregon Cities Annual Spring Conference, this is a partial-day event just for mayors.
  • OMA Annual Summer Conference. Learn from one another and from invited speakers. OMA members attend at a reduced fee. In addition, the OMA offers conference scholarships for members with financial hardships. 
  • OMA Fall Workshop. Held in conjunction with the League of Oregon Cities' Annual Conference, this partial-day event is just for mayors and offers additional learning and networking with your colleagues. 
  • Quarterly OMA Newsletter. Another good source for best practices, timely information on issues and upcoming events, the quarterly newsletter is complimentary for OMA members. 
  • OMA App.  New in 2023 the OMA mobile app serves as the OMA directory and allows mayors to stay up to date with OMA news and content, navigate events, and message with other app users all in one place! It is available in the App Store and Google Play Store. You can also access a helpful user guide by clicking here.
  • Listserv. OMA members have access to a members-only listserv wherein mayors can seek advice and guidance from other mayors on issues they are facing locally.

Members are part of the collective expertise that resides in the OMA. Each of us brings our own unique perspective and experiences on concerns and issues in our communities. Veteran mayors who have been working with ongoing issues have the opportunity to view them through the perspective of our new mayors. And new mayors have the advantage of the shared experience of our seasoned mayors. Together, we make a rich blend of Oregon's local leaders. 

Finally, there is strength in unity. Cities need a unified voice in Salem. Working together, we continue to remind legislators that we are partners, not a special interest group, in establishing policy and governing communities.