The Association
Established in 1972, the Oregon Mayors Association is a voluntary association of persons who hold the office of mayor.
OMA is recognized as an affiliate organization in cooperation with the League of Oregon Cities. The OMA’s mission is to convene, network, train, and empower Mayors.
Approximately three-quarters of Oregon mayors are active members of OMA.
The leadership of the OMA is vested in a Board of ten directors which include a President, President-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past President and six members at-large. The Immediate Past President and the Secretary-Treasurer serve as ex-officio-Directores. The Secretary-Treasurer position is a nonvoting position held by the Executive Director of the League of Oregon Cities.
Board members are elected at the annual meeting of the OMA, held at the League of Oregon Cities' Annual Conference in September. The OMA constitution requires that consideration be given to geographic and size diversity on the Board.
The Benefits
Strength in Unity. All Oregon Mayors need expert advice, a forum for discussing a wide variety of issues, and, most importantly, a unified voice in Salem. We have been seen in the past as just another special interest group by some legislators. Working together, we continue the effort to remind legislators that we are partners in establishing policy and governing our communities
Added Value. Members of the OMA enjoy reduced summer conference and fall workshop registration fees along with a special annual scholarship program established for those with financial hardships.
Communications. Members of the OMA receive a complimentary annual membership directory which includes contact information for all mayors in Oregon and highlights OMA members. In addition, a quarterly newsletter is published for OMA members featuring current news and events statewide.
Get Involved. The strength of our association is centered on the participation of our members. Step forward and work on the conference program committee, answer the call to testify at the state legislature, or act as a mentor to new mayors.